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Junior Leader Training -- White Stag Leadership Development

About the White Stag Leadership
Development Program

2010 Candidates from Phase 3
White Stag Sierra Candidates find their way.
The White Stag Leadership Development Program is a group of adults and youth who are committed to sustaining the almost 60-year-old program. It helps groups develop in adults and youth a specific set of eleven leadership competencies.

Our youth staff, mentored and coached by adults, work year round to plan and present a week-long camp each summer. During the training week, participants get multiple opportunities to learn and practice leadership skills in small and large group settings. They develop plans for applying these skills at home and in their community.

About Our Staff

Experienced adults and trained youth leaders closely and continually monitor all elements of the program. We believe that the challenge of leadership development is best taught in a setting where the participant can apply, in a hands-on setting, the skills of outdoor living.

Who the program is for

The program is open to boys and girls who have completed the 5th grade through 17 years old. We offer three phases for youth based on their age and maturity. Find out which phase is right for you or read about our aims, leadership skills, and why we've been around for 50+ years.

Enrollment is limited

We filled our camp last summer. You should apply early and pay fees on time to reserve a space. All candidates are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis.

We expect applications to exceed our maximum enrollment of 100 candidates this year. Space is limited and registration is on a first-come, first-served basis. Apply to White Stag Sierra early!