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Junior Leader Training -- White Stag Leadership Development
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U.S. Boy Scouts Adapted the White Stag Progam

During the 1960s, the National Council learned of the White Stag program and adapted the eleven leadership skills into its training programs. In 1968, program founder Béla Bánáthy completed a report for the National Council of the Boy Scouts of America, titled A Report on An Experiment.

The National Council of the Boy Scouts of America continued to study, adapt, and create national prototypes of the White Stag program. In 1974 it published the Troop Leader Development Staff Guide, #6544, which credited White Stag with its origins:

Several Scouters from the Monterey bay Area Council...designed a junior leadership training experience using some of the competencies or skills of was known as the "White Stag" program.

This program came to the attention of the Boy Scouts of America through a member of the national Scouting committee [F. Maurice Tripp]. As a result of several conferences, it was felt there were grounds for the Research Service to take a closer look at this White Stag program to determine the value of this approach to adult and boy leader growth.

...The first experience was conducted at the Schiff Scout Reservation in June 1967. using the Wood Badge as a vehicle to transmit this information and concept to participants...

By 1969 it was determined to expand leadership development to junior leader training...

In 1971, the National Council pilot-tested the program at Philmont Scout Reservation. The results were detailed in a lengthy article in Scouting magazine.

The program was then mandated for use by every council in the United States.

A full history of the White Stag program is also available .